[All] Pros and Cons of Using Weighted Blankets – Collected

weighted blanket pros and cons

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Weighted Blanket Pros and Cons

Have you ever tried using a weighted blanket?

If not, then you’re in for a treat!

Weighted blankets offer a host of benefits that can be extremely helpful for people with anxiety, insomnia, or simply want to relax.

But like anything else, there are also some potential drawbacks to using a weighted blanket.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at both the pros and cons of weighted blankets, so you can decide for yourself if one is right for you.

I mean… All of them, not just the pros! We at Corala blanket are weighted blanket experts so you can trust us.

What are the pros and cons of using a weighted blanket?

The pros of using a weighted blanket are numerous. They are known to reduce anxiety levels, help people suffering from sleeping disorders and insomnia, ease pain in joints, and provide a feeling of being hugged. Weighted blankets can also help improve your sleep and general wellbeing.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider before purchasing a weighted blanket. These include the cost, difficulty of transportation and the fact that they can become very warm if not used correctly.

Ultimately, it is up to the user to weigh all the pros and cons of a weighted blanket before deciding if it is right for them.

Weighted Blanket Pros

Weighted Blankets Help With Anxiety and Stress

Weighted blankets have been proven to be helpful in minimizing anxiety and stress, one of the top mental health disorders. By providing soothing pressure on your body, they reduce symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing.

By helping to combat stress-related anxiety, they can reduce physical symptoms and decrease cortisol levels, creating a calming environment and promoting overall well-being.

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Weighted Blankets Help With Sleep Disorders

Weighted blankets can be an effective way to help those with sleep disorders. The added pressure and warmth provided by the blanket helps to reduce heart rate and breathing, providing a more relaxed environment for sleeping. Additionally, weighted blankets can help to reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, allowing for deeper sleep.

Studies have also shown that weighted blankets can help to reduce the amount of nighttime awakenings, as well as increase melatonin, the hormone that helps people to fall asleep.

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Weighted Blankets Can Ease Physical Discomforts Like Muscle Spasms and Back Pain

Using a weighted blanket can help with physical discomforts like muscle spasms and back pain. The pressure that a weighted blanket provides can create a calming effect, reducing the physical symptoms of stress and pain.

Additionally, the deep pressure therapy it provides has been shown to help reduce joint pain and inflammation, swelling and pain intensity associated with arthritis.

Furthermore, research has found that weighted blankets can reduce perceptions of pain and improve sleep in people suffering from chronic pain.

As a result, it can offer much-needed relief for those who experience muscle spasms and back pain.

Weighted Blankets Can Be Used With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Weighted blankets can provide deep-pressure touch stimulation to help children with autism who experience difficulty sleeping. Here is a step-by-step guide to using a weighted blanket with children on the autism spectrum:

  1. Choose the right weighted blanket for your child. Weighted blankets should be 10% of your child’s body weight with a maximum of 20 pounds. Measure your child and take into consideration their size and weight.
  2. Introduce the weighted blanket gradually. Start by having your child hold the blanket or lay it on them for a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the time as they become more comfortable.
  3. Make sure the blanket is secure. A weighted blanket should never be used to restrain a child. It should be securely tucked in or held in place to prevent them from pulling it off.
  4. Monitor the blanket use. Make sure the blanket is not too heavy and is a comfortable weight. Keep an eye out for signs of discomfort such as increased agitation or struggling.
  5. Use the blanket consistently. The weighted blanket should be used on a regular basis, such as during nap time and bedtime. Keep a regular schedule to help your child feel secure.

Weighted Blankets Provide a Sense of Security and Cuddling

Weighted blankets provide a sense of security and cuddling by applying pressure to the entire body, which can trigger the release of serotonin and oxytocin. These neurotransmitters can increase feelings of calmness, well-being, and happiness. The blankets also create deep pressure stimulation to help calm the nervous system and promote better sleep.

The blanket’s heaviness helps release serotonin and dopamine, the ‘happiness chemicals’, while decreasing cortisol levels, or stress hormones.

Pregnant women may also find relief from the comfort and security provided by the weighted blanket, which can help reduce discomforts and worries associated with pregnancy.

Weighted Blankets for Chronic Pain

Yes, a weighted blanket can be used with adults with chronic pain. A 2021 study done by researchers at UC San Diego found that the use of weighted blankets reduces perceptions of chronic pain.

The study involved 94 participants with chronic pain using either a light or weighted blanket for one week. The participants in the weighted blanket group reported a reduction in pain intensity and improved sleep, particularly if they also lived with anxiety.

Further research has demonstrated that weighted blankets can help with chronic pain from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and restless leg syndrome. Overall, weighted blankets can be a beneficial tool for those dealing with chronic pain.

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Weighted Blankets Increase Serotonin and Dopamine Levels

A weighted blanket can increase serotonin and dopamine levels through the process of deep touch pressure therapy (DPT). The blanket’s firm pressure creates a gentle hug-like feeling that triggers the release of these neurotransmitters.

Weighted Blankets Help With Digestion and Appetite

Weighted blankets can help with digestion and appetite by increasing melatonin production in the body, which is essential for regulating the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

An increased production of melatonin can lead to better sleep quality and length, which in turn can improve the digestion and appetite of an individual.

Additionally, weighted blankets have been proven to reduce anxiety, which is often linked to digestive disorders and can lead to a lack of appetite.

Weighted Blankets Help With Energy Levels

A weighted blanket can help improve energy levels. By providing a comforting and grounding experience for peaceful sleep, using a weighted blanket can help reduce movement (tossing and turning) while you sleep and increase melatonin, the hormone that helps people fall asleep faster. As a result of better sleep and less anxiety, people can wake up more energized and ready to take on the day.

Weighted Blankets Are Good Investment

The cost of weighted blankets can be higher than typical quilts and throws due to their complex construction and high-quality materials. However, the calming effects of weighted blankets make them a worthwhile investment. To find a more affordable option, it’s best to decide on your budget and read reviews of products that fit within it

One of the main reasons why people are buying weighted blankets is that they can actually save money in the long run. For budget-conscious shoppers, investing in a good weighted blanket can be a great way to save money in the long run.

Weighted Blankets Help People With Autism, ADHD, and PTSD

The pros of using a weighted blanket for people with autism, ADHD, and PTSD include improved sleep quality, reduction of anxiety and stress, calming effect on the body, reduction of hyperactivity and improved focus, reduction of heart rate and breathing, ability to reduce chronic pain, and relaxation of the nervous system. Additionally, the deep touch pressure therapy provided by a weighted blanket help those whose minds race all night relax before bed.

Adults with ADHD can also benefit from natural ADHD supplements by managing their symptoms.

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Weighted Blankets Are Easy to Use and Available in Different Sizes and Styles

Weighted blankets are designed to be easy to use and come in different sizes and styles to suit your individual needs. Many come with removable covers that can be easily thrown in the washing machine, while others are spot clean only.

Weighted blankets are available in standard throw sizes, as well as larger queen and king sizes, so you can find the right size to snuggle with your partner.

Additionally, weighted blankets come in a variety of fabrics and designs, ranging from the traditional to special cooling materials and integrated cover designs, so you can find one that suits your personal style.

Even IKEA started to sell their own weighted blanket just visit your local IKEa store to check it out.

Weighted Blankets Are Comfortable and Safe to Use

Weighted blankets are generally safe, but there are a few potential risks that should be considered. Despite mixed reviews on whether these blankets work or not, they are popular due to the comfort they provide.

In most cases, trying one out is safe, even pregnant women can use a weighted blanket, but it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider first, especially if you have an underlying medical condition.

Weighted Blankets Can Help People Stay Grounded and Centered

Weighted blankets have been invented and developed to reduce stress. A weighted blanket can help people stay grounded and centered by providing deep touch pressure, or DTP. This therapeutic technique has been studied and found to reduce anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of sensory disorders.

Grounding your body with a weighted blanket can also decrease cortisol levels, help regulate blood pressure and heart rate, and keep glucose levels at healthy levels.

By aiding in restful sleep and providing calming benefits, a weighted blanket can help people stay grounded and centered.

Weighted Blanket Cons

1. Some people may find the weight of the blanket overwhelming

The possible consequences (especially with other health conditions such as asthma, claustrophobia, or sleep apnea.) of using a weighted blanket that weighs too much include

  • feeling suffocated or restricted in your sleep,
  • decreased mobility, difficulty travelling with the blanket,
  • difficulty cleaning the blanket,
  • greater risk of suffocation

Additionally, using a blanket that is too heavy can cause discomfort and can even lead to physical injury if the blanket shifts during sleep. In the case of children, a weighted blanket that weighs too much can be a choking hazard.

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The weight of the blanket can affect people in different ways. Even if the blanket is not too heavy, the restriction of movement can be uncomfortable for some. The weight of the blanket can be inconvenient when travelling with it, as it takes up a lot of space in luggage. It is a bit tricky but you can travel with your weighted blanket if you prepare well.

Use the Corala Weighted Blanket Calculator is an online interactive tool developed to help you find the ideal weight of a weighted blanket. This calculator follows best practices for choosing the right weight for a weighted blanket and takes into account your individual bodyweight or the combined weight of a couple.

2. Some people may not like the feeling of being wrapped up in the blanket

Some of the possible cons of using a weighted blanket include:

  • feeling restricted or uncomfortable for those with claustrophobia
  • difficulty breathing for people with sleep apnea asthma, or other breathing difficulties;
  • heat retention, which can be uncomfortable in hot climates or when running a fever
  • difficulty shifting position or getting in/out of the blanket.

Additionally, weighted blankets may not be the best option for smaller children, as they might have trouble getting in and out of the blanket on their own.

weighted blanket claustrophobia
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3. Some people may find the noise of the pellets rolling around on the bed annoying

The noise of the weighted blanket pellets can be annoying because the plastic beads tend to create a sound when sleepers move or shift underneath the blanket.

This noise can be disruptive to light sleepers or people who have difficulty getting to sleep, making it harder for them to relax and drift off.

It is advisable to buy a weighted blanket which is filled with glass pellets as these are very silent during the night.

4. Some people may be concerned about the safety of using a weighted blanket

When looking at the safety of weighted blankets, there are a few potential risks to be aware of. Most people are generally safe when using weighted blankets, but they should be avoided by those with circulatory diseases, respiratory ailments, claustrophobia, and sleep apnea patients.

Furthermore, infants and toddlers should avoid using weighted blankets due to the risk of becoming trapped underneath.

5. Some people may find that the blanket does not help them fall asleep or stay asleep

Some people may find that the blanket “does not work” for them. The possible causes may include:

  1. The blanket is enough heavy. It should weigh 10-12% of body weight.
  2. It can add pressure and narrow airways, making it harder for people with sleep apnea to breathe at night.
  3. It may not be suitable for those who prefer easier movement in bed.
  4. It may increase body temperature, making it uncomfortable for sleepers who tend to sleep cold.
  5. It may not be suitable for those who share a bed with a partner.
  6. It may not be suitable for those with circulatory conditions or low blood pressure.

6. Some people may find that the blanket does not relieve their stress or pain.

Weighted blankets have been found to be beneficial to people in terms of helping them to stay calm and improving their quality of sleep.

People with chronic pain or strong stress may not find relief from a weighted blanket due to the added pressure it may cause.

Ultimately, while the overall evidence shows that weighted blankets can help reduce nighttime awakenings and improve mood, it is important to consider individual needs when deciding if these blankets are right for you.

7. The cost of the blanket may be a concern for some people.

A good quality weighted blanket can cost anywhere between $80 and $250, depending on the size, filling, and other features. This is significantly more expensive than a regular quilt or fleece throw, but the calming and therapeutic effects you get from a weighted blanket make it well worth the investment.

You can find weighted blankets with additional features like custom design, duvet cover, free shipment, adding to the overall cost.

8. Some people may find the blanket to be too hot.

A weighted blanket may be too hot for some people, especially for cold sleepers in a hot climate or if they have a fever. They may be too hot on summer nights especially when a non-cooling model was bought.

9. Allergies due to materials used in construction of the weighted blanket.

Weighted blankets are usually made of materials like polyester, cotton, wool, or other synthetic fibers. Depending on the material used, some people may have allergies to any of these materials, so it is important to research the materials before purchasing a weighted blanket.

Some synthetic materials, such as polyester, can trap heat which can make the blanket too warm for people who live in hot climates or have a fever. We suggest to use only natural materials.

11. Risk of Suffocation

The risk of suffocation with a weighted blanket is present, especially in the case of infants and young children. When a baby or toddler is pinned down with a weighted blanket, they lack the mobility to move or free themselves, and they may have difficulty breathing, choking, or even suffocating.

People with asthma, sleep apnea, should also avoid using weighted blankets, as the blanket’s pressure and tightness can exacerbate respiratory problems.

12. Possibility of Physical Injury

Using a weighted blanket can provide comfort and help reduce chronic pain, but there is a potential risk of physical injury when using a weighted blanket especially when elderly people use it. Also, the weight of the blanket can be too heavy for certain individuals, which increases the risk of injury.

It is important to use the right size and weight of the blanket for your body type and to monitor your comfort level while using it.

13. Risk of Overstimulation

For some people with sensory processing issues, weighted blankets can be overstimulating. This is because weighted blankets provide deep pressure stimulation, which could activate the sympathetic nervous system and lead to physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and difficulty breathing.

While the deep pressure stimulation can be calming for some with anxiety or ADHD, it may be too stimulating for some people with sensory processing issues. It is important to consult an occupational therapist before using a weighted blanket to assess the pros and cons of deep pressure stimulation.

14. Some people may find the blankets are not scientifically proven

Some people are wary of the fact that the benefits of weighted blankets are not scientifically proven. While many people report feeling the benefits of improved sleep and reduced stress, there is not much double blind placebo controlled scientific research backing up these claims.

Without concrete evidence, it is difficult for some to believe that the blanket is effective. Moreover, the long-term effects are still largely unknown, which may be a cause for concern for some.

Therefore, it is important to do your own research and talk to medical professionals to decide whether a weighted blanket is the right option for you.


What are the benefits of deep pressure stimulation?

The benefits of deep pressure stimulation include relief of the perception of pain, reduced symptoms of anxiety, improved sleep quality, and relief of symptoms of depression.

Deep pressure stimulation can help reduce autonomic arousal, helping to deal with physical symptoms of anxiety such as an accelerated heartbeat and sweating. It also stimulates the production of cortisol hormone, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, it calms the body’s nerves, helping to release all the built-in pressure and stress.

What are the risks of using a weighted blanket?

The risks of using a weighted blanket include the potential for suffocation if the sleeper is unable to lift the blanket off of themselves, potential triggers of claustrophobia due to the tightness of the blanket, and difficulty breathing.

Additionally, infants and toddlers should avoid using weighted blankets, as they may become trapped underneath.

For those with sleep apnea, asthma, circulatory diseases, or low blood pressure, it is important to consult with a doctor before using a weighted blanket.

Finally, it is important to select a blanket that is not more than 10% of the sleeper’s body weight in order to avoid suffocation.
