Why Do Monks Sleep on the Floor? – Not Just Spiritual Reasons

Why Do Monks Sleep on the Floor? The practice of sleeping on the floor is an old one. Sleeping on the floor naturally lead monks to wake up earlier than they otherwise would–to meditate more often or pray more fervently before God. In fact, many people have since taken this idea and applied it to… Continue reading Why Do Monks Sleep on the Floor? – Not Just Spiritual Reasons

How to Make Sleeping on the Floor Comfortable: [Best Tips] for Sleeping on Hard Surfaces

How to Make Sleeping on the Floor Comfortable Are you looking for ideas on how to sleep comfortably on the floor? I’ve researched how others sleep on the floor and I found some interesting tips to do it. Here are some of my best tips to help you with this! Why Sleep on the Floor?… Continue reading How to Make Sleeping on the Floor Comfortable: [Best Tips] for Sleeping on Hard Surfaces