The Hug Machine -The Beginning of the Weighted Blanket Revolution

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The Hug Machine We all know the feeling. You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when suddenly someone comes up to you and gives you a big hug. It’s unexpected, but it feels really good. Now imagine if that happened every day. That’s the idea behind the Hug Machine. The machine is designed… Continue reading The Hug Machine -The Beginning of the Weighted Blanket Revolution

Categorized as ASD

Autism Meltdowns in Adults – A Guide for Autistic Adults, Dealing, Symptoms

Autism Meltdowns in Adults Meltdowns. We’ve all had them. That moment when everything feels like it’s too much and you just can’t take it anymore. And you just shutdown. But autistic meltdowns can be triggered by seemingly small things, like a change in the weather or a noise that most people wouldn’t even notice. It… Continue reading Autism Meltdowns in Adults – A Guide for Autistic Adults, Dealing, Symptoms

Categorized as ASD