Weighted Blankets for ADHD


Weighted Blankets for ADHD

What is ADHD?

The medical condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) renders the patient unable to pay attention. The disparities between brain development and brain-related activity are responsible for their mental distress. Also, as part of the ADHD disability, they cannot sit still and lose control of themselves. Impulsiveness and hyperactivity are other effects of the ADHD disorder.

Also, patients who are living with ADHD suffer from mental imbalances that tend to make their daily activities tiring and stressful. ADHD in adults is characterized by having troubles with keeping a job, setting goals, managing time, and organizing in general.

As a retort to your queries pertaining to whether ‘is ADHD a mental illness’ and ‘is ADHD a mental disability’ and ‘is ADHD a disability’, know that the doctors prescribe ADHD to be a mental illness, affecting how the patient behaves and their attention span.

If you are wondering whether ‘is ADHD a learning disability’ then note that the medical community does not deem the illness to be so. Though, the disorder makes learning difficult for the patients and can co-exist with learning disabilities.

Understanding the difference between ADD and ADHD: ADHD was previously known as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD or ADHD affects both children and adults. Though, the ADHD symptoms start during childhood and continue through adulthood. This disorder affects the afflicted person’s self-esteem, personal relationships, and studies.

Whether ‘is ADHD real’, then you may be interested to know that the National Institute of Mental Health has enough evidence to suggest that the disorder is a real medical condition.

What are Symptoms of ADHD?

The three primary symptoms of ADHD are hyperactivity, impulsiveness, restricted attention span. However, being impatient, impulsive and restless is considered to be normal behavior of children and does not necessarily mean they have ADHD.

Only if the problems persist and start causing problems at home or school, an ADHD diagnosis becomes imminent; then, the doctors can initiate early treatment.

What causes ADHD?

The medical experts are unable to ascertain the causes of ADHD as of now. And to answer your question ‘is ADHD genetic’, know that evidence points to the disorder being inherited; thus, genetic factors are not ruled out. Several kids who are diagnosed with ADHD have a family history of the disorder.

And as a response to your query ‘does ADHD go away’, discern that ADHD is not curable but treatments can help. Also, leading a healthy lifestyle – including consuming nutritious foods, exercising daily, and sleeping well – can help to treat the ADHD condition.

ADHD Prognosis

The doctors opine the ADHD prognosis to be promising with effective treatment. ADHD does not necessarily have to be a lifelong battle – a combination of medication and therapy can help in keeping the symptoms under control.

On the other hand, the ADHD prognosis without treatment is mixed. If ADHD is left untreated, the patient is likely to suffer from substance abuse problems and accidents. Children will face difficulties in school and home which can persist until adulthood.

As seen earlier, ADHD cannot be cured. Nonetheless, for managing adult ADHD, the general recommendation is to initiate treatments. By doing so, you can curb the related symptoms and prevent the illness from disrupting your relationships and performance at studies or work.

What are the natural remedies for ADHD?

Are you keen on practicing ADHD natural treatments to be on the safer side and want to avoid the side-effects of medication? If yes, then here we have listed a couple of science-backed alternatives that you can make part of your daily routine.

Try Light Therapy for ADHD

As part of natural treatment for ADHD, light therapy has proven to be effectual. As per open trials that were conducted on ADHD patients, exposure to bright light helped to alleviate their symptoms and uplift their moods.

Subjecting your body to light through the day and darkness during night-time is essential for maintaining good circadian rhythms.

So, if you are not getting enough exposure to light, opt for the light therapy route for the linked benefits. As such, you can make light therapy as part of your morning routine.

Light therapy boxes are available online; normally, they are used for treating Major Depressive Order and Seasonal Affective Disorder. With their use, you can receive a sunlight boost during the morning hours. In turn, you can fall asleep with ease during the night and keep the ADHD blues at bay.

Dietary Recommendations for ADHD

For lessening ADHD symptoms, the medical experts suggest a diet that rates low in processed foods and chemicals. Also, you should avoid food allergens. You can try an elimination diet to know about your sensitivity to certain foods while working with your dietician or doctor. Accordingly, they can structure your diet plan for ADHD treatment.

Eating nutritious meals can go a long way in easing ADHD symptoms as well. Add legumes, whole grains, fish, nootropics, fruits and vegetables to your diet. You can try the Mediterranean diet (entailing fresh foods and fish for enjoying the goodness of the Omega-3 fats) if looking to incorporate natural supplements for adult ADHD in your dietary regime.

Essential Oils for ADHD

Research studies have not yet recorded essential oils having any noticeable impact on ADHD symptoms. Though, some people use essential oils regularly and vouch for their positive effects.

Under essential oils for ADHD, the general recommendations are lavender, cedarwood and vetiver. They are helpful in reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calmness.

Yoga Nidra for ADHD

In a study Yoga nidra is deemed beneficial for people who are diagnosed with ADHD. By practicing Yoga Nidra regularly, symptoms of ADHD in teens have shown improvement, whereby, they were found to be less anxious and hyperactive.

five woman standing on seashore

Homeopathy for ADHD

Homeopathy is grouped under natural medicine for ADHD. Homeopathy is considered for ADHD treatment because the patient has to consume the medicines in small doses without worrying about any potential side effects. Under homeopathic remedies for ADHD, homeopathy clinics prescribe medicines such as  Stramonium, Cina, Tuberculinum.

Weighted blanket for ADHD

Apart from the above-listed ADHD natural treatments, the option of weighted blankets is available too. They are known to be a popular sleeping aids for adults and children. Though, do not use them on newborns who are below the age of 1 year. Because they are at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is the sudden and unexplained death of infants during sleep.

What are weighted blankets?

Weighted blankets are designed to be heavy; then, they can apply pressure on the body. Yes, they are stuffed with plastic pellets and glass beads for adding bulk. Also, they are lined with additional layers of fabrics to increase their weightiness.

The stuffing of weighted blankets is evenly spread out, with the purpose of imposing firm yet gentle pressure across the body.

Weighted blankets have been developed to reduce stress. They work on the principles of Deep Touch Pressure for creating a sense of calm. The extra weight induces relaxation in the body and facilitates sleep. Use the Corala Weighted Blanket Calculator to calculate the ideal weight of a weighted blanket.

Weighted Blankets for ADHD patients are advised for their calming effects. In addition to ADHD patients, Occupational Therapists prescribe calming blankets for other afflicted groups too. Benefits of using a weighted blanket are many: Children with Autism and patients suffering from anxiety, stress and restless leg syndrome can enjoy the related sleeping benefits as well. Other weighted blanket alternatives could be helpful too.

Weighted Blanket and ADHD

We have seen that one of the symptoms of ADHD is hyperactiveness. More so, ADHD victims record high-stress levels. Also, ADHD patients have anger outbursts and need comforting after upheavals and excitement. Gravity blankets are used for inducing body relaxation in ADHD patients. In the process, they are driven to enter the ‘deep sleep’ mode for the restorative processes to take place. Here is how weighted blankets work on patients with ADHD.

Deep Touch Pressure Protocols

Weighted blankets techniques operate by Deep Touch Pressure techniques, which is similar to Occupation Therapy for adults. As such, the heaviness of weighted blankets coupled with the Deep Touch Pressure mechanisms helps to calm the afflicted groups.

Release of Serotonin

As a result of the weighted physical force of weighted blankets, the body initiates the release of the ‘Serotonin’ chemical. Now, Serotonin is the ‘happy’ chemical and creates a sense of calm.

Also, with the release of Serotonin, the body produces the ‘sleep-inducing’ neurotransmitter Melatonin. Other hormones that promote wellbeing which the body releases include Dopamine and Oxytocin. The release of all these hormones drifts the body into ‘sleep’ mode.

Addresses Sensory Issues

Children with ADHD are known to suffer from sensory issues as well. They may need physical stimulation for keeping them calm. Also, in some cases, they may be extra sensitive and resist sensory input. Here, gravity blankets are considered helpful, because they offer tactile input.

Medical Treatments for ADHD

Under medical treatments for ADHD, the doctors prescribe anti-hypertensive drugs, cognitive-enhancing medicines, and stimulants. Also, anti-depressants are advised for treating ADHD symptoms in some cases.

However, the first line of treatments is stimulants, because of their effectiveness in lessening ADHD symptoms. Non-stimulant medications come under second-line ADHD treatments.

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medication, coming under non-stimulant medicines; and Wellbutrin for ADHD is prescribed under antidepressant medications for ADHD treatment. Antidepressants are prescribed under ADHD medication for adults in combination with stimulant medication (such as Ritalin and Adderall).

Even so, the doctors advise Bupropion for ADHD adult patients as an alternative treatment; in cases where the patient cannot take stimulant drugs.


What are the supplements for ADHD treatment?

As part of your ADHD treatment plan, the ADHD experts advise the intake of certain foods; these include lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.

Moreover, for their body nutriment, ADHD patients should take some supplements as well. Zinc, Magnesium, Omega-3 fats, Iron, Vitamin-C and melatonin supplements are the popular recommendations in ADHD supplements. However, beforehand, talk to your doctor for ascertaining suitable doses as per your physical condition.

Under vitamins for ADHD, ADHD patients can benefit from the intake of vitamin-C and vitamin-B6 food sources and supplements. Children and adults who are diagnosed with ADHD can benefit from taking vitamin-C for greater absorption of iron mineral.

Kale and red peppers and oranges are foods that contain vitamin-C. Though, if your doctor recommends vitamin-C supplements for children and adults having ADHD, keep in mind to take them an hour before or after consuming medicines. Doing so is important because vitamin-C interferes with ADHD medication.

Can you treat OCD and ADHD together?

For any person who is suffering from OCD and ADHD, the doctors recommend a combination of self-care, therapy, and medical treatments. Also, they will prescribe non-stimulant medicines for ADHD patients; these medicines do not impact OCD symptoms.

More so, practicing stress-relieving measures can help in coping with both disorders. By doing so, you tend to calm down and remain relaxed. Deep breathing techniques, meditation, and practicing mindfulness can effectually lower your stress levels.

Additionally, through exerting your body via low-impact exercises, you can stimulate your body to release endorphins or the ‘feel-good’ hormones for relieving stress.

Further, you can benefit from the use of weighted blankets; they can teach you how to fall asleep faster and staying asleep.

Are ADHD and Depression related?

Depression and ADHD experts point to a link between both disorders. Understand that ADHD patients are likely to suffer from various mental health conditions (including depression). The abnormally-high stress levels and the related challenges make ADHD patients susceptible to depression.

However, you can treat both disorders if you sleep well. The medical community advises the use of weighted blankets for patients suffering from any disorder. Thus, consider availing their option for their calming benefits. And in turn, you can benefit by sleeping soundly.

Can Using Weighted Blankets Improve Sleep Health for ADHD Individuals?

Weighted blankets are gaining popularity among ADHD individuals for improving sleep health. Studies show that they can provide a calming effect, reducing anxiety and promoting better sleep. This can be especially beneficial when exploring the 6 dimensions of sleep health, including duration, quality, timing, efficiency, regularity, and alertness.

Caffeine and ADHD: is coffee a safe and effective natural treatment?

For treating ADHD, coffee intake is advisable but in moderate amounts. In its role as a stimulant, caffeine has a stimulating effect on the body’s central nervous system. Furthermore, caffeine drives the body to produce the Dopamine neurochemical, which increases your ability to concentrate. With coffee caffeinated beverages, ADHD patients can benefit for their energy levels receive a boost and their ADHD fatigue symptoms alleviate. So ADHD and coffee fit together well.

Nonetheless, if you are ailing from both ADHD and Insomnia, then consuming caffeine can be counter-effective. This is because caffeine causes sleep disturbances and can compound the sleeping troubles of insomnia patients.


Though ADHD research indicates a genetic component, other studies are suggesting that the disorder is not alone genetic. In the case of children, some of their brain regions are developing differently. Since ADHD has varied causes, treatments can vary from person to person.

Overall, for treating ADHD, the way forward is to work with your doctor to analyze how your body is reacting to the different treatments. Accordingly, the subsequent and suitable treatment course should be charted out.



