13 Mind Blowing Tips On How To Get More Deep Sleep

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How To Get More Deep Sleep: 13 Tips To A Better Night’s Sleep

What is Deep Sleep?

Deep Sleep is a state of very low power consumption that is used to save battery life on mobile devices. When a device is in deep sleep, it is completely turned off and will not respond to any input.

Deep sleep is one of the five stages of sleep, and it’s associated with slow brain waves. It’s important for overall health and well-being, and getting enough deep sleep can help improve mood, cognitive function, and memory.

Why Is Deep Sleep Important For The Mind And Body?

Do you seem to feel tired even after sleeping for the recommended 7-9 hours at night? Then you are not getting enough deep sleep.

Why do we sleep? And how long should we sleep? How do we get better sleep? Sleep experts suggest getting enough deep sleep is beneficial for your overall well-being.

Consider taking the necessary steps to enjoy more deep sleep because

  • it boosts your immune system,
  • it replenishes bodily cells, restores energy
  • it aids the body repair process.
  • it increases blood supply

Remember, deep sleep should constitute 10-20 percent of your night-time sleep.

What are the stages of sleep?

states of deep sleep
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Stages of sleep

The definition of sleep constitutes 2 main states which are

  1. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state
  2. NREM (non-REM) state has 4 stages:
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3 (Deep Sleep)
  • Stage 4 (Deep Sleep)

Both REM an NREM sleep states are crucial for the body rejuvenation. The first four sleep stages are NREM ones (or slow-wave sleep) – they finally lead to REM sleep.

Surely, we start with Stage 1, which is followed by Stage 2 and Deep Sleep (Stage 3 and 4).

But we do not transit from here to REM Sleep. Instead, we return to Stage 3, 2 and 1 before we go to the REM sleep phase.

This is our first cycle and we need 4-5 cycles per night.

During your quest for improving your sleep quality, understanding the varied sleep stages and cycles helps a lot.

We have already seen that both the REM and NREM stages comprise sleep. Moreover, all sleep is not equal. The body wades through different sleep stages during the night.

Let’s see those stages one by one.

Stage 1 non-REM Sleep

Sleep is light during the first stage which lasts several minutes as you move from being awake to being asleep. The body starts to relax to prepare you for the subsequent phases.

  • Your eyes move sluggishly and you may perceive some jerks or spasms or a falling sensation
  • If you wake up from Stage 1, you will not feel rested at all
  • You are easily disturbed by noises or disruptions

Stage 2 non-REM Sleep

Normally, humans remain in Stage 2 sleep for 40-60% of their entire sleep time. People do not wake up frequently during Phase 2.

  • Your eye movement stops
  • Your brain waves start slowing down as you enter a deeper sleep phase
  • Your body temperature drops

Sleep researchers say Stage 2 has two types of brain waves:

  1. K complexes are large brain waves that are induced by noises in your surroundings or other stimuli.
  2. Spindles are short bursts of brain activity that reduce speedily. Sleep spindles revitalize our brains and increase our readiness to learn.

Stages 3 and 4 (Deep Sleep)

What is deep sleep? The most restorative slow-wave sleep occurs through Stage 3 and 4: these stages are considered the deep-sleep ones or slow-wave sleep, delta waves are very slow during this phase. Also, awakening a person from Stage 3 is not easy.

We stay in Stage 3 for lesser time than Stage 2. Indeed, the majority of adults spend around 5-15% of their total sleep time in this phase. Stage 3 is integral for our good health and we only need a small amount of Phase 3 sleep waves for our wellbeing.

As you follow good sleep habits, you should increase your time in deep sleep.

What is REM Sleep?

An active sleep condition befits the description of REM sleep definition. Also, most of your dreaming occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. Why is rem sleep important?

  • Your eyes move from side to side rapidly
  • If you wake up during this phase, you can recall your dreams.
  • Your muscles become paralyzed
  • Your heart rate, body temperature and respiration process becomes irregular.
  • Sleep apnea occurs during the REM stage.

Sleep cycles

During our sleep escapades, we keep transiting the varied sleep phases. The science of sleep includes us passing through many sleep cycles at night, with each sleep cycle lasting between 90 to 110 minutes. The first deep sleep cycle of humans is within the 45 to 90 minutes range and then your sleep cycles start shortening from thereon.

What are the benefits of deep sleep?

The benefits of deep sleep are vast and include improved mood, increased creativity, better problem solving skills, increased focus and concentration, and memory improvement. Additionally, deep sleep helps to restore and rejuvenate the body, reduce stress, and boost the immune system.

Deep sleep is necessary for many bodily functions.

Deep sleep is essential for the body and mind

During deep sleep, the body repairs and regenerates cells, which is why it’s resting so important for athletes and people who are recovering from an injury. Additionally, deep sleep helps with mental clarity, decision making, and emotional stability.

Deep sleep supports memory and focus

Deep sleep supports memory and focus, helps with growth and development, and repairs your body’s cells. Additionally, deep sleep can help increase your lifespan.

Deep sleep is critical for hormone regulation

Deep sleep is very important for overall health and well-being. During deep sleep, the body’s hormone levels are regulated, growth occurs, and physical renewal takes place. Deep sleep also helps improve mood, cognitive function, and immune system function.

Deep Sleep Drives Energy recovery, cell restoration

Deep sleep allows the body to recover energy, restore cells, increase blood supply, promote physical growth and repair tissues and bones. Additionally, deep sleep also stimulates the immune system. All of these benefits make it easier for people to perform everyday activities.

Why Is Deep Sleep Important?

Deep sleep is important because it’s the time when your body repairs and regenerates cells. It’s also when your body produces hormones that are essential for growth, development, and a strong immune system.

Health Functions of Deep Sleep

Human sleep deprivation studies suggest that the principal function of deep sleep is to give the brain time to restore itself. Slow-wave sleep plays a role in growth hormone secretion, arousal thresholds, and cognitive performance.

How to Get More Deep Sleep

Deep sleep is important for overall health and well-being. It’s a time when the body repairs and restores itself. There are many ways to get more deep sleep, including making changes to your sleeping environment, using relaxation techniques before bed, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed. Deep sleep is critical for feeling restored in the morning.

There are many different ways to get deep sleep, and the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment. Some people need complete darkness and silence in order to fall asleep fast, while others need a little bit of noise and light. Figure out what relaxes you and stick to a routine before bedtime. Additionally, make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and cool.

We spend more time in NREM sleep as compared to REM sleep, but both are equally important. If you want to know about how to get deeper sleep, one of the best ways to sleep better and deeper is adhering to a regular sleep schedule.

The importance of quality sleep is not to be undermined – lack of sleep can affect your life adversely.

So, here are some handy tips for getting quality deep sleep.

1. Maintain a Sleep-Friendly Diet Regime

People who consumed a diet high in added sugars had a greater risk of developing insomnia, a new study from Columbia University has found. Whose diet included higher amounts of vegetables, fiber, and whole fruit were less likely to develop sleeping problems.

Further, you must avoid consuming certain foods which include vegetable oils, grains, and sugary varieties.

2. Set the Ideal Room Temperature

The ideal temperature for falling asleep is between 65 and 68 degrees. Surely, you know that if the temperature is too hot or cold, you’re unable to sleep. So, avoid piling on blankets to setting your thermostat to lower temperatures.

3. Deep sleep music

Consider going for a salt bath an hour before bedtime to prepare your body for sleep. Unwind with a good book or soothing deep sleep music while in the bathtub.

Also try listening to sleep music deep sleeping music like Jason Stephenson deep relaxing sleep music (3 hours) for enhancing your deep sleep patterns.

4. Get Enough Sunlight

Soaking in the sun for 30 minutes a day is the general recommendation for getting deep sleep during the night. By doing so, you can also improve vitamin-D synthesis in your body.

Exposing yourself to sunlight heightens the serotonin levels in your body as well. And, in turn, you can improve your melatonin (a hormone that induces sleep) levels at night.

5. Use a Weighted Blanket

People ailing from sensory issues (such as ADHD and Autism) are recommended to use weighted blankets. Nonetheless, to relax your body, their use is recommended by the medical fraternity for healthy individuals as well.

If you feel restless at night or are unable to sleep, a weighted blanket helps for the body relaxation while inducing sleep. In fact, over the years, weighted blankets have become ragingly popular for their relaxation benefits.

Corala Blanket has been researched and developed by medical professionals to improve your sleep. Read more about how to use a weighted blanket correctly.

6. Try Hypnosis

If you want to know how to get deep sleep, then pursuing hypnosis before going to bed is another good way of improving your deep sleep quality.

As per a study by the University of Fribourg in Switzerland in the year 2014, the participants who listened to deep sleep hypnosis music remained in deep sleep for over 80 percent than others who did not listen to the records.

7. Engage in Stretching Exercises

A great way to relax your muscles is to stretch the body. So stretching the body keeps the muscles relaxed and helps you to sleep deeply.

8. Drink up

In general, the doctors advise keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the way. However, avoid sipping water 2 hours before bed. Then, you do not have to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. As such, you remain in deep sleep for longer durations.

9. Follow a Regular Sleep Pattern

For a regular hormone cycle, you must sleep and wake up around the same time every day. This rule is applicable for weekends too.

10. Reduce Exposure to Computer Blue Light

To sleep better, reducing your exposure to blue light emitted by electronics is the way forward. Several software programs are available that help to reduce blue light. Simply download on all your devices to minimize your contact with blue light.

Also, switch off all your electronics 60 to 90 minutes before retiring for the night. Simply put, avoid watching television or using your cell-phone. This is important to avoid exposure to artificial blue light, having short wavelengths.

Through the day, blue light boosts energy levels. Though, during the night the blue light radiations like LED lights can be over-stimulating and are best avoided. More so, blue light disturbs your circadian rhythm and minimizes melatonin production.

11. Meditation helps

After a long day a work, indulging in meditation alleviates stress. By reducing your stress levels, you can have a good night’s sleep and feel fresh the following day. More so, listening to deep sleep meditation music tunes before sleeping is perfect to improve your time while in deep sleep. If you sing along you even can stimulate your vagus nerve which improves sleep.

12. Exercise

As per the National Institutes of Health, following an exercise regime for 30 minutes per day and 5 days a week can work wonders for the body. Though avoid over-exercising or you could face sleep difficulties, including Insomnia.

Instead, opt for low-impact exercises such as cycling, swimming, and walking during the initial days. Table tennis or pickleball is a good exercise for seniors as well. Gradually, you can increase the intensity of your workouts. (and then using a weighted blanket can help with muscle recovery by improving sleep.)

Exercising is also beneficial because the body releases the ‘feel-good’ hormones or endorphins. In turn, you can keep depression and other mental health problems at bay. So, in all, you have a win-win situation. Only remember to not exceed your body exertion limits for optimal benefits.

13. Your Mattress Matters

A comfortable mattress is an important requisite for quality sleep. Conduct research on the different types and, also, talk to your doctor during your mattress purchases and choose suitable ones. Besides, opt for organic mattresses and other bedding material for the breathability aspects.

deep sleep vs light sleep

Deep sleep is a type of sleep that occurs during the night and lasts for around 90 minutes. Light sleep is a type of sleep that occurs during the day and lasts for around 20 minutes. Each type of sleep has its own benefits: deep sleep helps to restore the body while light sleep refreshes the mind.

Rem sleep vs deep sleep

Deep sleep is part of the non-REM portion of your sleep cycle and occurs at the end of your non-REM sleep, just before REM.

Sleep is divided into two categories: REM and non-REM sleep. You begin the night in non-REM sleep followed by a brief period of REM sleep. The cycle continues throughout the night about every 90 minutes . Deep sleep occurs in the final stage of non-REMsleep, which is when you fall asleep

There are several stages of sleep, including rapid eye movement (REM) and slow-wave sleep. Slow-wave sleep is one of the most important stages of sleep and is essential for health and well-being. It’s during this stage that your body repairs and regenerates cells, helps regulate mood, and strengthens your immune system.

What happens when you don’t get enough deep sleep?

When you don’t get enough deep sleep, you can experience problems with your mood, cognitive function, and physical health. Deep sleep is important for restoring your body and helping you feel alert and energetic the next day.

How much deep sleep do you need?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need between 7 and 8 hours of deep sleep per night. Deep sleep is important for repairing and restoring the body’s cells and tissues.

  • Children need more deep sleep than adults and there is no one recommended duration for adults.
  • The amount of deep sleep needed changes as people age, with children requiring more than adults.

What Causes Decreased Deep Sleep?

There are many reasons why someone might experience decreased deep sleep. Some common causes include:

– Aging

– Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea

– Certain medications

– Alcohol or drug use

– Conditions such as stress, anxiety, or depression

Strategies for increasing deep sleep include reducing stress, avoiding noise and light exposure at night, taking medications as prescribed, and drinking moderate amounts of alcohol.

What happens when you don’t get enough deep sleep?

  • Your brain processes information slower
  • You will fee exhausted
  • It is linked to conditions, like: Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, stroke

How much REM sleep should you get?

Experiencing five to six REM cycles per night is the norm. Also, the REM stages tend to increase during the course of sleep. Thus, you may remember your dreams clearly when you are awake the following day.

When you’re woken up mid-REM, you may remember your dream, but you’ll feel sluggish due to the incomplete cycle. Now, even though REM sleep constitutes only one-fourth of your daily sleep, this sleep phase is vital.

Does everyone dream?

Everybody dreams, although not everybody remembers their dreams. Inerestingly enough people remember their nightmares better than a normal dream.

How long does it take to fall asleep?

A Stanford researcher named William C. Dement’s study found that, on average, it takes between 10 and 20 minutes to fall asleep.

After 90 minutes of falling into sleep and following the first 3 NREM stages, the body goes into the second sleep state that is the REM one.

How much sleep do I need?

For effective cognitive functioning, both getting adequate deep sleep and REM sleep are vital.

Are you wondering how much deep sleep you should get? The amount of sleep that you need depends on your age and activity levels.

Normally, the doctors suggest getting around 7 to 9 hours of sleep for enjoying the revitalizing benefits of deep sleep. You should enjoy good sleep upon following a consistent schedule. When you do so, your hormone production is optimal and circadian rhythm remains steady.

Effects of weakened sleep drive

When we do not get enough sleep, it can lead to feelings of fatigue and decreased productivity. Additionally, sleep deprivation is associated with changes in hormones that drive our appetite for high-calorie food. This can lead to weight gain over time.

  • Poor sleep hygiene can lead to decreased deep sleep.
  • Sleep deprivation can cause fatigue, irritability, and mood changes.
  • Poorly-quality sleep can also increase the risk of obesity and other chronic diseases.

How to Become a Heavy Sleeper

Becoming a heavy sleeper is absolutely possible by optimizing sleeping habits and environment so that you will sleep more soundly – here you can learn how you can become a heavy sleeper.

How To Sleep Lighter

If you feel like you sleep way too heavy, you can not get up on time and always sleep over, you can learn how to sleep lighter.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders that disturb deep sleep are called disorders of arousal. Sleepwalkers and people with periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS) often exhibit slow waves during a sleepwalking episode. Adult sleepwalkers also display variances in slow-wave activity during the rest of the night.

Does Rainfall Actually Improve the Quality of Sleep?

Rainfall has long been associated with a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Many people report sleeping better during rainstorms, finding the rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof soothing. While scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited, the gentle pitter-patter of rain may provide a calming environment conducive to a good night’s sleep.

Sleep more, live more

In a nutshell, you have to follow a healthy lifestyle overall if looking to enhance the quality of your sleep. Consuming a healthy diet and practicing a regular exercise regime are some requisites.

More so, you can take other measures an hour before bedtime such as taking salt baths and listening to soothing music as you start preparing your body for sleep.


By lezt

Lez Taylor, Founder and CEO of Corala Blanket. She tried every sleep system and trick to conquer her insomnia for good.