Many people continue to try and slip by without getting proper rest, and that leads to long-term issues that can be harder to recognize.
Tag: weighted blanket
Do Weighted Blankets Actually Help Sleep?
Do Weighted Blankets Actually Help Sleep? Most likely, you’ve heard of them before–but does the hype hold up? That’s the question everyone is hoping to get an answer to, and the truth might surprise you.
Benefits of Taking a Staycation
Escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life should be considered a necessity these days. There are plenty of reasons to convince yourself why you deserve a staycation. Here’s a look at 7
How to Break the Insomnia Cycle and Get Better Sleep
The “insomnia cycle” can leave you more than cranky. If you’re finding that you are consistently struggling to fall asleep quickly or stay asleep soundly, you need to rethink your bedtime routine.