Is White Noise Good for Meditation? – The Benefits of Relaxation Sounds

woman standing on white background, white noise meditate

Is White Noise Good for Meditation?

Do you ever find yourself struggling to focus during meditation?

Maybe you just don’t have a quiet place to meditate in your home.

Luckily, there are other ways to meditate without having to silence all noise.

You can try white noise, which is a type of relaxation sound.

It helps you to focus and concentrate on your meditation.

What is white noise?

White noise is a type of sound or noise mix that covers up other noises, helping people sleep better.

White noise is a combination of sounds between 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz, played at a level intensity. The benefits of white noise include its ability to help maintain privacy and its calming properties.

white noise

Benefits of using white noise for meditation

White and other color noises can raise a person’s hearing threshold, making it easier to block out background sounds.

1. White noise can help promote focus in meditation

White noise can help with focus by blocking out other noise. It is unclear if white noise aids in meditation, but it does not seem to be hindering it.

White noise can be helpful when studying or focus meditation. It is important to choose a sound that is gentle, not distracting, and does not contain subliminal recordings.

Some people find white noise irritating and uncomfortable, but it is still helpful for some people.

2. White noise can reduce sensory overload

When trying to focus or relax, white noise can be a helpful tool. Some people find that it helps to drown out other noises, restoring privacy and focus. White noise is great for studying in quiet environments, as it can block out distractions. During meditation, white noise can satisfy the craving for sensory input and help to wind down your mind. White noise is often a calming sound, which can help people relax and focus during meditation.

3. It can be helpful for promoting relaxation

White noise has long been known to be helpful for promoting relaxation. It can help reduce stress, focus, and reset before bed. Additionally, white noise is an effective sound-source for reducing tinnitus symptoms and improving sleep quality in noisy environments.

Understanding Noise Colors

There are different types of noise and their effects on the body. Spectral analyzers are used to measure noise frequencies and power.

Noise has different frequencies and noise types. The different frequencies of noise have different effects on the body.

Noise has a loose analogy to light colors. The sense of color that we perceive in noise is similar to the perception of sound frequencies.

person doing meditation outdoors

What kind of noise colors are there?

There are many noises with different color settings, each corresponding to a specific range of frequencies.

Noises with different color can help you achieve better results when practicing meditation or other relaxation activities, they are well-suited for different purposes, such as sleep, focus, and productivity.

White Noise is great for meditation

White noise has been found to help with concentration and focus in meditation. Some people even find this type of noise more gentle than meditation music.

There is no special magic to white noise, it’s just an electric fan running on a timer. If you’re looking for a way to block out distracting sounds, running an electric fan on a timer is a good option.

My experience: White noise can help promote focus in meditation and when used together with Yoga Nidra they can create a powerful relaxation experience. Try to do Yoga Nidra during Brahma Muhurta time of the day and start with chanting a Brahma muhurta mantra!

By listening to white noise during Yoga Nidra practice, you can enhance the calming effects of both techniques. The white noise can help to mask external noises, which can be helpful if you live in a noisy environment or have trouble tuning out distractions. But not meditation not Yoga Nidra is meant to replace sleep!

Pink Noise for destress

Pink noise is a type of safe and calming sound that can help with stress relief. It can be used for meditation, sleep, and anxiety reduction. If you are very sensitive to sound, pink noise might be frustrating or jarring.

Pink noise is similar to white noise, but it has a more calming effect on the mind. For example the rain can produce pink noise which has been shown to help improve sleep quality. That’s why you sleep better when it rains!

Brown Noise helps sleep better

Brown noise is a type of sound that is similar to pink noise, but it goes an extra mile to bring down its higher frequencies. Some people say that brown noise is great for concentration and helps with insomnia-like symptoms.

Blue Noise makes calming meditation music

Blue noise can be used to help meditation, by reducing the severity of harsh sounds.

Blue noise is made up of a few low frequencies and more high frequencies, which makes it difficult to discern. Blue noise is a type of sound which is calming and reduces stress. Violet noise is more intense than blue noise and can be very harsh.

Gray noise is smoother than white noise

Gray noise is a mixture of all frequencies which sounds the same to everyone. It can be used to reduce sensory overload in a variety of ways, including by reducing the amount of noise that someone is constantly exposed to.

Gray noise calibrates better with the human ear than white noise does, making it a good choice for white noise machines. Gray noise can also be used to treat tinnitus or hyperacusis, two conditions which can cause people to feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Green Noise triggers deep sleep

Green noise is a type of sound that is known to be calming and helpful for sleep, so using it during meditation can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation.

There are many different types of green noise , finding one that works best for you is important.

How to use white noise for meditation effectively?

Step 1: Download a white noise app

If you’re looking for a way to help you relax and de-stress, consider using a white noise app. These apps have a wide range of sounds to choose from, including rain, water, appliances, outside sounds and more.

You also can use a white noise machine.

Step 2: Choose a comfortable place to sit or lie down

To use white noise for meditation, you will need your pap or a white noise machine and some earbuds or headphones. You even can use your Airpods during sleep to listen to white noise

Once your white noise machine is turned on and set to the correct volume, put in your earbuds or headphones and begin listening to the sound.

You even can use a weighted blanket to achieve a deeper relaxation status.

Step 3: Set a timer for your meditation session

Even though monks meditate for several hours each day, you don’t have to – set a timer and listen to the sound. White noise can be used for meditation, and a timer can be set to ensure that sessions are not too long or too short.

Step 4: Focus on your breath and let the white noise wash over you

If you find a sound that you have positive associations to, it may work better for you. Different sounds can work for different people, so experiment to find what works best for you.

White noise can be used to help with meditation in all settings. Be careful not to choose recordings with subliminal messages embedded in them as they can be disruptive.

Step 5: When you notice your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to your breath

If you’re looking to use white noise for meditation, there are a few different options available. Some people find it helpful to use sounds with a gentle tone, while others find it unnecessary.

Step 6: Enjoy the silence

When the timer goes off, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Doo not hurry to get back to your “normal” life. Enjoy the silence


What are the benefits of white noise?

White noise can be an effective sound-source for promoting deeply relaxed states of consciousness, which can be used to cure insomnia, reduce tinnitus, and help restless babies sleep better. There are many benefits to using white noise for sleep, including improved mental clarity and relaxation.

White noise is an effective way to relax, block environmental noises, and improve sleep. Stress and anxiety levels can be reduced by using white noise.

How does white noise help with meditation?

The sound of white noise can help to keep your mind clean. It reduces stress and focus in various situations, making it an ideal sound-source for mediation.

The soothing qualities of white noise can help to relieve anxiety in noisy environments, which is especially beneficial for those who suffer from chronic stress.

White noise is also an effective sleep aid for babies and can be used to increase concentration and attention in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

What is the difference between white noise and pink noise?

  1. Pink noise is produced with a random combination of all the frequencies that you can hear, but with the lower frequencies containing more power.
  2. Pink noise has a slightly lower pitch so it feels softer.
  3. People feel less stressed hearing pink noise compared to listening to the noises in an intensive care unit.
  4. White noise is typically used for relaxation, while pink Noise is more effective for stress relief.
  5. White noise and pink Noise are both helpful in reducing tension and improving sleep quality, but white Noise can also be used to improve concentration and focus, while Pink Noise can help to reduce anxiety.

How do I make white noise?

If you’re looking to add some peace and relaxation to your life, consider using white noise. White noise is a type of sound that helps mask outside noises and can help you sleep better. There are different White Noise apps and white noise machines on the market which offer continuous playback with no network connection required.

Is white noise good for meditation?

Yes, white noise sounds can help to meditate, relax and sleep. Some examples of white noise that are said to be helpful for promoting focus in meditation include ocean waves, rain, and thunder.

Can You Meditate Instead Of Sleep?

Can You Meditate Instead Of Sleep? What Happens When You Replace Sleep With Meditation? Resting is important is a necessary part of our life and while meditation has many benefits, it cannot replace sleep.

Meditation can however help to improve sleep quality, if you’re getting enough sleep each night. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can be difficult to think clearly or stay focused during the day. You may also feel grumpy or irritable, and have trouble remembering things.

What are some recommended sounds for white noise meditation?

There are a variety of different sounds available on the internet, including ocean sounds, oscillating fans, and calming music for sleeping. Some people find that rain, water, travel sounds, or home appliance noises work well for them.

There are also free sound downloads available – experiment until you find the sound that works best for you!


By lezt

Lez Taylor, Founder and CEO of Corala Blanket. She tried every sleep system and trick to conquer her insomnia for good.